WCS XJS Wyndham Chinese
2025年1月05日 19:59 澳大利亚
政府注册号:A0030554N 高考局认证号:15913
云登中文学校(XJS Wyndham Chinese Language School Inc.)隶属于伟利比中文学校(The Werribee Chinese Inc.),创立于1994年. 本校位于Point Cook 地区,是一所依据澳大利亚社团法注册的社区民族语言文化学校,提供从学龄前教育、1-10年级教育体系的一系列中文相关课程,以及维州高中VCE中文11、12年级(中文第一语言、第二语言、第二语言高级组和中国语言、文化与社会)正规课程。
我校以学习中国语言精髓、丰富多元文化社会为宗旨,坚持非政治性、非宗教性、非盈利性的办学准则,严格遵照教育部的各项规定要求,执行教育部社区语言教学大纲与高考局教学大纲规定,始终致力于成为一所学生、家长及社区公认最优质的中文学校。我校聘请维州注册教师和具有社区语言教学资质的教师任教,师资力量雄厚,拥有一支专业、负责、亲和、稳定且教学经验丰富的教师队伍。学校定期组织教师参加各类专业培训,定期举办各年级组教研活动,不断提高教师素质及业务水平。所有教职员工及志愿者都持有有效的Working With Children Check或者VIT证书,并了解和签署了学校有关儿童安全的法律文件。
云登中文学校办学历史悠久,租用正规日校校舍开展教学 地址位于Point Cook 区 2 Foxwood Drive, Point Cook 3030 Neff building 优美安全的教学环境,治学规范严谨,教学质量上乘,欢迎有兴趣学习中文的学生咨询报名,也欢迎有志于传播中华语言与文化的人士应聘任教。
3)Early Bird早鸟优惠:2024年12月7日前一次付清
4)特殊情况退学或保留学籍请电邮至wcs.management.edu@gmail.com 学校会酌情考虑(5个工作日内答复);
学校账户名:The Werribee Chinese School Inc.
BSB:063 541
Account Number: 1047 1987
上午中文班 9:30 am – 12:15 pm
下午中文班 12:45 pm – 15:30 pm
咨询电话:0421 036 825 校长微信号:Wyndham_Chinese
班级 | 招生对象 | 课程内容 | |
学前班 | 4-5周岁儿童 | 上午中文班、下午中文班、全天班 采用根据《维州早教学习与发展纲要》进行编写的我校自编全彩色教材《中文》一至四册,注重中文听和说,课堂教学以“认一认”、“念一念”、“说一说”、“唱一唱”、“描一描”等儿童喜爱的形式展开。 课程由具有中国和澳洲幼教教学经验的教师任教。 | |
一至六年级 | 5周岁以上儿童 | 上午中文班、下午中文班、全天班 中文课采用《中文》一至六册,中文授课为主,听、说、读、写兼顾,注重培养学生学习中文的兴趣和良好的学习习惯。 一年级学生将配合中文学习开办汉语拼音辅助课程。 全天班注重强化学生的中文听说能力及应用,通过中文数学、文化常识、书法绘画等形式开展教学。 | |
七至九年级 (包括中文高级班) | 有一定中文基础的日校中、小学生,经测试后编入相应年级 | 上午中文班、下午中文班 采用《中文》七至九册,以中文阅读和写作教学为主,注重培养学生中文口语及文字表达能力。七年级起,将强化中华文化学习和中文写作训练。 为满足部分年龄偏小、中文水平较高的学生的需求,特开设中文高级班,选用《中文》中学版教材。 |
班级 | 招生对象 | 课程内容 |
十年级 (VCE中文预备班)
| 2024年在日校9、10年级,有一定中文基础的学生 | 根据教学大纲要求选择合适的教材和多种其他中文辅助材料组织教学,为帮助学生适应未来11年级的VCE中文课程,选聘具有VCE中文教学经验的资格教师任教。 |
VCE中文11、12年级班 | 2024年在日校10、11、12年级,有一定中文基础的学生 | 开设中文第一语言、第二语言、第二语言高级班和汉语言、文化与社会等课程,依照维州教育部颁发的VCE中文教学大纲和考试要求组织教学,采用我校自编教材和选用合适的校外教材,为学生提供必要的参考资料和特别辅导,由VCE中文教学经验丰富的资格教师任教。 |
I. School Introduction
The Wyndham Chinese Language School affiliated with The Werribee Chinese School Inc., was established in 1994, and located in the Point Cook area. Our school is a community ethnic language and culture school registered under Australian association law. We offer a range of Chinese-related courses from preschool education to a 1-10 grade education system, as well as courses for VCE Chinese in grades 11 and 12 in Victoria (Including Chinese as First Language, Second Language, and Second Language Advanced).
Our school is dedicated to studying the Chinese language's essence and enriching a multicultural society. We adhere to non-political, non-religious, and non-profit education principles, strictly complying with the regulations and requirements set by the Department of Education. We implement the community language teaching curriculum and high school examination board syllabus, and we are committed to being recognized as the highest quality Chinese school by students, parents, and the community. We employ registered teachers from Victoria and those qualified in community language teaching, ensuring a strong, professional, responsible, amicable, stable, and experienced teaching staff. The school regularly organizes professional training for teachers and conducts research and teaching activities for various grades to continually elevate the quality and skill level of our teachers. All our teaching staff and volunteers possess valid Working With Children Check or VIT certificates and are knowledgeable and compliant with the school's legal documents on child safety.
The Wyndham Chinese Language School has a long-standing history in education, utilizing regular day school facilities for teaching. Our location is located atPoint Cook Community 2 Foxwood Drive, Point Cook 3030 Neff building. We pride ourselves on our beautiful and safe teaching environment, rigorous academic standards, and superior teaching quality. We welcome students who are interested in learning Chinese to inquire and enroll and invite those who are passionate about spreading the Chinese language and culture to apply for teaching positions.
II. Enrollment Process
1. To register as a new student in 2025, please click on the link below, fill out the registration form as required, make the payment, and upload a screenshot of the bank transfer:
1)All third and subsequent children from the same family, children of teachers, alumni, and retired teachers are eligible for tuition discounts.
2)For all new student inquiries, registrations, and enrollments, please follow the registration guide to complete and make the payment.
3)The textbooks and materials needed during the period of enrollment at the school will be provided free of charge by the school according to regulations (replacement required if lost).
1. Discount Policy
1)The school offers a tuition fee discount for the third and subsequent children from the same family, children of teachers, alumni, and children of retired teachers who pay the full annual tuition in one installment (refer to the specific course fee standards for details).
2)The school provides a special tuition discount only for those who pay the full annual tuition in one lump sum (refer to the specific course fee standards for details).
3)Early Bird Discount: Pay in full by December 7, 2024
Notes: If only half of the annual tuition is paid, the above discounts do not apply. Discounts cannot be combined or enjoyed repeatedly.
2. Withdrawal Information
1)Our school's tuition is calculated on a half-yearly basis. Registered students can apply for a refund within the first three weeks of the semester for which they are enrolled. No refunds will be provided after three weeks.
2)For students who have paid the full year's tuition and received a discount, any refund request will result in fees for the attended classes being deducted at the full rate.
3)For refunds within the first three weeks, the tuition for the first three weeks, along with registration and textbook handling fees ($100), will be deducted.
4)For withdrawal or retention of enrollment due to special circumstances, please email wcs.management.edu@gmail.com. The school will consider each case individually and respond within 5 business days.
5)All refund requests must be sent via email to wcs.management.edu@gmail.com , along with the payment proof, for the school's review. A response will be provided within 5 business days. Once the parents confirm without any objections, the school's finance department will issue the refund within 10 business days.
III.2025 Tuition Fee Standards (Discounts are only applicable for full annual tuition paid in one installment)
IV. Payment Methods
For all Chinese course tuition payments, please transfer to the school's bank account provided below. Include the full name of the student in the transfer details and upload a screenshot of the bank transfer.
School Account Name:The Werribee Chinese School Inc.
BSB:063 541
Account Number: 1047 1987
V. 2025 Academic Year School Calendar and Class Time
Class Time and Location:
Morning Chinese Class 9:30 am – 12:15 pm
Afternoon Chinese Class 12:45 pm – 15:30 pm
Phone Number:0421 036 825
School WeChat:XJSYDC
School Admin Email:wcs.management.edu@gmail.com
VI. Chinese Courses (Early-learning &Prep)
VIII. VCE Chinese Programs
This year our school provide training course for tutoring VCE LOTE Chinese including VCE Chinese as First Language (FL), Chinese as Second Language (SL) and Chinese as Second Language Advance (SLA) and Chinese Language, Culture and Society programs.
IX.Child safety policies
Xin Jin Shan Wyndham Chinese School complies with all the child safety policies required by DET and CLV and has developed all the relevant regulations such as Code of Conduct, Child Safe Policy, Student Collection Policy, Anti-bullying Policy and Cyber Safety Policy etc. If you have any concern or suggestions regarding our school policies on child safety, please email us at wcs.management.edu@gmail.com
X.Covid Safe policies
The Wyndham Chinese School complies with all the regulations and instructions regarding CovidSafe and health protection required by DET and CLV. The health and safety of students and staff of the Wyndham Chinese School is always the first priority of the school.
On-campus conducts of students and parents:
1) The school observes the rules and regulations framed by the Department of Education and Training including those of Child Safety Standards.
2) The school has developed relevant policies such as Discipline Procedures, Student Attendance Policy, etc.
3) Students observe the regulations framed by the school, protect the school's reputation and intellectual properties and take the responsibility for the damages caused by themselves.
4) Within school terms, students are not allowed to enter the campus without the company of adults before 9:10am.
5) Without permission, students cannot leave school for shopping or go home during school time.
6) During class time, students are not allowed to use mobile phones; Without permission of class teachers, students are not allowed to use tablets in class.
7) Students are not suggested to bring any valuable items to school. They would take full responsibilities for any loss or damage.
8) Early collection is only accepted with written confirmation from the Chinese Office after completing the Student Early Collection Form.
9) All the students not being collected 15 minutes after class would be sent to the Chinese Office on campus.
10) Parents need to provide written authorization for other guardians or friends to collect their children if they are not able to do so themselves.
11) All the campuses are NUTS-FREE and EGGS-FREE due to food allergic concerns.
12) During class time, parents and non-WCLS staff are not allowed to stay on campus.